Friday 14 May 2010

We're Twittering

We are now on Twitter!
You will be now be able to follow us and give us any feedback by sending us tweets.

Find us at and follow us @hytec_elec

Hytec has gone green

Internally in our office in Reading, UK, we are now recycling all paper and cardboard and encouraging all staff members to do the same at home, where possible.

As you are probably aware Hytec already complies with RoHS. By adding a recycling scheme we hope we will be able to do as much as we possibly can to help the environment and future generations. 

Hytec is now blogging!!

We will be making regular updates, so that you can find out all the latest exciting things that we are doing at Hytec.

There will be updates from all departments at Hytec, from the big cheeses up in management, to the little people making sure that Hytec works as a well oiled machine.